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Scout & Morgan Books
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When you buy a book at Scout & Morgan Books, not only will you get a great book to read and share, you will also join us in helping to build and strengthen our community. We feel an obligation to be an ethical and responsible business and we do so by supporting our local schools, teachers, libraries and the arts, numerous local charities and service organizations, as well as our employees.
Our Pledge
We pledge to you that we will never operate our business in a way that exploits our employees, our vendors and suppliers, or our customers. We strive to pay it forward by supporting other local businesses, including our local printers and sign-makers, banks, credit unions and co-ops, and the businesses of our customers.
When you choose to shop at any independently owned business, your community benefits in the following ways:
- Spend $100 at a local store and $68 of that stays in your community. Spend the same $100 at a national chain, and your community only sees $43.
- Local businesses create higher-paying jobs for our neighbors.
- More of your taxes are reinvested in your community–where they belong.
- Buying local means less packaging, less transportation, and a smaller carbon footprint.
- Shopping in a local business district means less infrastructure, less maintenance, and more money to beautify your community.
- Local retailers are your friends and neighbors—support them and they’ll support you.
- Local businesses donate to charities at more than twice the rate of national chains.
- More independents means more choice, more diversity, and a truly unique community.
Thank-you for choosing Scout & Morgan Books. Your patronage keeps our doors open and books in your community!

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